About Us

A Christian Community of Worship, Welcome and Care

The Anglican Parish of Blandford, Nova Scotia is an inclusive, affirming and welcoming community of faith. Our three churches Saint Barnabas, All Saints and Saint Cuthbert have been providing worship services and serving on the Aspotogan Peninsula for over 150 years. Today, as one parish, we continue to strive to serve all people in our communities from Northwest Cove to Deep Cove and beyond.

Our Wardens, parish council and Lay Reader, Robert McMillan,  provide team leadership in ministry and service.  We have an active and vital parish community, with many of our members also taking leadership roles in our civic communities.

Our parish gathers for worship every Sunday in our 3 churches on a rotating schedule (see web page sidebar for our upcoming worship schedule).  Most Sundays we celebrate Holy Eucharist using the Book of Alternative Services of the Anglican Church of Canada.   Our parish is blessed to be a part of several supportive communities and endeavours to be a positive presence among our neighbours.

If you are residing in our community whether you are new, have been here a while, OR if you are a visitor, you are most welcome to join us for worship or to get in touch with us using the contact information on this website.  We would love to hear from you!