Earth Day

This Sunday is Earth Day. It is a holy Day for us as we remember that the things we make, like plastic, may seem eternal, but in fact have only a borrowed life pulled from their first forms. It is those first forms that we celebrate as holy. I think that when we use those forms to make things that adorn the creation, enhance the creation, bring about peace, end hunger and poverty, then we are in the workshop of the Maker of All. However, when the work of our hands does not enhance life for the whole planet, then we are defacing the holy creation. In fairness, we are short sighted and often, what we think will be a benefit, in fact becomes a harm, like plastic. That harm usually is a result of over-production, of consumerism beyond need. We frequently rush to produce without thinking ahead to end results.

Jesus asks us to keep these priorities ahead of us with these questions:

Who benefits?

How will this bring healing of body and spirit?

Is this a product of love or greed?

Does this bring life for all or death for many?

Here are some links for you to peruse this week.

