In my tradition, decorating for Christmas unfolds over the holidays, culminating in a tree after Advent 4. Outside decorations are fine because they are to encourage others, but within, the Holy Family travels around the house from room to room, until they find a nativity scene on Christmas Eve. The next set of travellers to roam our home are the magi and any other Lego people or animals the children introduce. It is a time of food and fun and singing. At one point in time, my brother used to insist that the Godfather was an appropriate Christmas movie (?@!). It was a time of remembering and a time for love, despite difference or distance.
I know that this silly fun is not available to all and I wish it were. At the same time, it is important for those of us who can, to celebrate with some gravitas and with lots of silliness, too. We can see this as a resting place with the Holy Family, before the work of changing the world through love and hope. If joy is not our objective, then it is a thin and meager offering we show others. I believe that we are created for joy, for community, for delight in creation. If joy and well-being were the highest value — above culture, religion, nationalism — how would our world look? How could anyone be hurt, or starve, or be homeless, if joy is the primary objective?
Christmas does not end until January 6, so keep that messy fir tree. And, thanks this year to the snow, we will be celebrating a Children’s Christmas on December 29th, at 10 am. All are welcome as long as you bring a child with you or within your heart. It will be a light hearted service to remember the story of Jesus.
Later, save a few presents to celebrate the epiphany with the magi. Discover some activities for 12th night. (Popular customs include eating king cake, singing Christmas carols, chalking the door, and having one’s house blessed.) We will have an Epiphany service on January 5th to which all are welcome. You could also learn a few wassail songs and sing into the night and the stars. Rejoice with those you love, giving thanks always for this mysterious gift of life that chose us before we even existed.
May you be blessed with hope, love, and joy as the year turns.